In November 2010 I attended at Teacher Clinic at Juravon Park in Melton taught by Philippe Karl, this was my introduction to the Ecole De Legerete. Philippe Karl had been in Melbourne presenting at Equitana and it seemed like the Who is Who the Melbourne community were at that first course.
Since then I have been lucky enough to enhance my skills and equine understanding, initially by following the School as an auditor and then by being accepted as a trainee teacher. So far I have completed the following examinations:
The association “APPEL – Association pour la Promotion de l’Ecole de Légèreté” was established in March 2013 in France. The aim of the association is to spread the philosophy of Légèreté throughout the world and to secure the success of the School in the long term. By providing funding and volunteer expertise, APPEL supports projects and activities worldwide related to the Ecole de Légèreté.
Should you wish to support the work of Philippe Karl and the Ecole de Légèreté, especially through presentations to the general public, please join our community by becoming a member of our association APPEL. Your support is greatly appreciated.